A site of ramblings and musings from my mind to yours

Saturday, December 25, 2004

I trust you had a great christmas Day and will have an amazing New Year in 2005. As I said before, Gavin just turned two on the 18th and opened a schwack of presents and then this morning he got to open more but the coolest part about children is when they are innocent to the whole commercialization of things. This morning he woke up and we said "Merry Christmas Gavin" and he grabbed his hands and got all excited and ssaid "merry pipsmas mommy, merry pipsmas daddy." then he paused and said in a super loud voice, "MERRY PIPSMAS EVERYBODY.....YAYYYYYYY!!!" And he has given everyone here (me, LoraLee, her mom and sister) christmas presents all day, which are big hugs. He says "have a pipsmas present" and then runs over and gives a huge hug. He has also been singing "oh pipsmas tree" and "jinden bell" (his version of oh christmas tree and jingle bells) all day. What a blessing to be reminded of the simple joys of christmas. Peace to all of you and Love from all the MacMillans
