A site of ramblings and musings from my mind to yours

Monday, December 20, 2004


Welllllll, it has been forever since I have entered anything for real. It's not that I haven't tried, really I have but because I am relegated to writing when I am at school or at my mother-in-laws (no home computer) I am not able to always write when the spirit moves. I have often sat down to write but have had verbal constipation and now have many half finished blog journal entries. They will all be finished in due time. However with Christmas fast aproaching I wanted to spread some Holiday cheer....but I can't. I am not in the Christmas Spirit and I have tried but it is not really there. Maybe it is because I am still at work and my holidays are not starting soon enough or maybe it's because my friends go to movies, like Oceans 12, without me (just kidding), but I can't get into the mood.

One thing I could get into was my son's birthday which was on saturday. It was alot of fun and he got a whole schwack of presents and was thoroughly spoiled by people like his Uncle Mike and Aunty Candi. He had a lot of fun except when he was overwhelmed while opening gifts. He just stopped looked around and realized that everyone was staring at him. He then put down the gift he was opening and without a whimper or sound he just turned and ran into our bed room and buried his face in the bed. He agreed to come out and finish as long as Daddy sat with him.

Now that he is two it is like he has decided to start talking in full and complete sentences. Not that he didn't before but they are becoming more frequent and more grammatically correct. Like this morning, LoraLee has to work and I do too so my mom comes over to babysit and Gavin wakes up and comes out of the bedroom and looks at her and says, "Gramma Deedee is it cold outside?". Like what the???? He has been doing that tons over the last week just saying more and more words, more and more clearly and I DON"T LIKE IT. I just want him to stay a munch for a while longer. His favorite song right now is Vertigo by U2 and he always asks to listen to it or watch the video of it in his muncie way, "Bono singing on there?" usually followed by Gavin singing "I can feel. I can feeeeelll. YA ya ya ya" and then mummbling words while singing more of the tune. All of this is accompanied by dancing and guitar playing. The other night after he was asleep I was thinking about all of this and it made me sad and I started to cry. It just felt like he was growing up so quickly(I mean his obsession with Vertigo is insane) and I had to go watch him sleep for a while and reassure my self that he is still a babe. Wow am I a sap or what. I'm just a dad I guess.

Well I just saved this and went for lunch and came back suddenly in a warm Holiday-like mood. Weird. I'm not complaining it was just unexpected. Actually there is one commercial that puts me in the mood only for the length of the commercial but it is the Barnes and Nobles commercial where the people are quoting from different Christmas movies and it ends with that dude quoting It's A Wonderful Life. I love that and it puts me in the mood at least for that long. Well I don't know if it was the lunch our principal made us or the blowy wintery weather that has made it seem more like Christmas but here I am full of love for all mankind and all those other cliches. Yeah for me!

Shoot I had something deep and profound that would impact everyone who read it and would single-handedly bring about world peace but I'll be darned if I can remember it.

Until next time (which will hopefully be soon)
