A site of ramblings and musings from my mind to yours

Friday, October 08, 2004

So I was planning on making a list of guilty pleasure cds/songs as my next blog, however due to an unfortunate series of events it will have to wait. You see my fellow rrrantlings my son got very sick last night and threw up all over his bed right at bed time. We bathed him brushed his teethand gave him some water and easily digested baby food. About 15 minutes later it came out with a violence unseen in these parts of the world. This started a chain of events which went like so..... Any liquid in his tummy came out 10 mins. or so after ingesting it then when nothing was there it tried to come out too. In all Gavin was heaving and wretching most disturbingly. So we went to Emerg. While we were there the did all these things to Gavin that really upset him(needles and the like) and everytime it happened right as he was drifting off to sleep. They discovered that Gavin in deed has a virual infection otherwise known as a flu. To top it off we were there from midnight until 6:45 am and worked at 830 am ouch. Things like that really test what I wrote about the boy. Well next blog will be the aforementioned guilty pleasures among other things I am sure but right now I need sleed er I mean sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppppppppppppppppppppp *er ah* Goodnight
