A site of ramblings and musings from my mind to yours

Monday, October 18, 2004

A rant

I have been thinking about it and I know what bugs me about Avril Lavigne and Ashlee Simpson. It is not just that they call themselves punk and aren't , it's that they push or have pushed that label so ceremoniously and religiously and aren't. If they were just honest and said they were girl pop/rock stuff or even better yet just did what they do and let the music stand for itself I don't think they would bother me as much. Like Avril's boyfriends band they don't run around saying "we are punk grrrrr" . Sure they are labeled that by music critics (like it or not) but they just did the music. With both of those girls it is a label that is just so obviously used to separate themselves. When Avril came out she wanted to make sure she wasn't lumped in with all the other girls so.... "I am a punk grrrrr.." and released horrid pseudo-punk songs about SK8er Boi's ad nauseum. Some of her new stuff is decent but so removed from punk and so cozy with other pop. Ashlee wanted to be distanced from her sister and the quickest way "I am punk grrrr...." and anyone listening knows this is quasi-rock and if she so doesn't want to be in her sisters shadow then why always bring her up if the interviewer doesn't.
There got that out
