A site of ramblings and musings from my mind to yours

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

I just got the new Green Day cd and I gotta tell ya, it freaking rocks. It is one of the best Cd's I have purchased in a while. It is just a good straight up rocker, not to heavy on the punk stuff (not that that's bad) just lots of punk tinted rock. It tells the story of a boy who grows weary of life where he is and decides to hit the road with his girl. He soon realizes life doesn't get better by running away, maybe it does at first but after a while things tend to fall apart if you don't deal with you. There are very few if any songs that fade out and most if not all actually transition into one another with no break creating a strong sense of a story/rock opera. In fact word is that they are making a movie based on the cd a la Pinball wizard (tommy) by the Who. Keeping with that theme there are a few songs that go well beyond the 7 min mark using different movements(as seen in Classical music) to break it up. Very cool. Green Day seem to have really come into their elemnet with thid disc.
Also check out Velvet Revolver for some guilty pleasure music. They totally sound like Gun N' Roses meets Stone Temple Pilots. Hmmmmm.... wonder why. But it is so fun to rock out to.

On a different completely unrelated note I am absolutly in love with my son. Having a child changes so much about ones perspective on living and introduces such a different kind of love into ones life. It doesn't diminish the love I have for my wife nor is it more important then the love I have for her or my friends or my students, its just different. It consumes you but not in a way that puppy love does, it is more like you think about your child and all the ways you want to make sure they have the best life possible and how you can further that or hinder it. You also find yourself being reminded of them in many things in everyday life.

The other week I was home from work sick and Gavin was asking LoraLee (my wife) "Daddy?" over and over so she said "In the bedroom" and waltzes in saying "Daddy? Daddy?" Upon seeing me he says "I love you" only in his ways it's " i wupfv woo" and then walks out. I started to cry that was the first time he ever said it without any prompts. On Sunday he was playing a game while I was getting ready for church that consisted of running up and hugging me . Or sometimes when he sleeps he looks so sweet and angelic and squeezable that it is hard to not go in and pick him up and hug him and hug him and hug him. He also loves cuddles especially with both Mommy and Daddy, he puts out both arms and smiles and says "Nuggle Hamily (trans. snuggles Family). He also loves to cuddle with his aunty gradmas and his Uncle Mike. Then there are the ways he says things which I will leave for another time. While these in and of themselves are sweet they in no way can explain the way or the how I can love him as much as I do.

Well if that wasn't disjointed I don't what is but those are the two things on my mind today. Tune in next time when you will hear me say.....
