A site of ramblings and musings from my mind to yours

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Guilty as charged... the post that was never meant to be

Ok This is the last and I mean last time I am going to attempt this post. This will be like number 5 or 6 and frankly I am sick of it. It has been erased everytime I have done it so you better FREAKIN ENJOY THIS PEOPLE.
So here is a list of sorts of some guilty pleasure music.

Queen Makers of such songs as "We will rock you" and "We are the champions" and that rhapsody one (you know the scene from Waynes World). There are some who would argue my inclusion of them on a guilty pleasure list (ie Bobbie, the teacher I work with) but I feel a certain amount of embarrassment at the amount of pleasure I derive from listening to them. Now I don't know if it is Freddies voice or the orchestration or simply the grandiosseness(is that even a word??) of it all but when I hear them it just moves me to sing along and just rock out (the aforementioned scene from Waynes world.....not a stretch).

Billy Joel now I don't know what to say here. The man can just do so many styles of music so convincingly and I love that. Plus it just releases the inner geek trying to get out. I have my wife to thank for encouraging and expanding this enjoyment

Some of the girl pop(Hilary Duff Britney etc.) Say what you will but some of this music is just darn catchy. Don't get me wrong this isn't a hands down love of all things "girl pop" or anything, I'm only saying some songs. It's just fun, ya know. Whatever.......you guys know that I'm right. Admit it You catch yourself singing along.

Some of the 80's hair band stuff. For example Stryper, Poison, Bon Jovi, etc. The heavy emphasis here is on SOME. There is great joy to be found in just rocking out and quite often this works out well with the genre in question. I guess the rising popularity of bands like The Darkness and Velvet Revolver proves my point and is my justification. Now please understand this is not an endorsement of the clothing/fashion statements of said genre because really it was gross.

The next one is tied to the last the POWER BALLAD ("Bed of Roses, November Rain", "Every Rose". yadayadayada.). The power ballad is the mother of all ballads and was not contained by 80's hair metal but has continued right on into today. But the bulk of them were found in the 80's by such people as the aforementioned hair bands but also by groups like, Chicago, and Boston, and Toto. So just sit back close your eyes and fall in love...with the power ballad.

Last and not least is Sir Elton John. I can hear the outrage of some with the fact that I have him here on this list (Mike I am looking at you) but I just can't help feeling silly liking him. There really is nothing to say here either you feel him or you don't. I mean it's not like he's Rod Stewart.
