A site of ramblings and musings from my mind to yours

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Ann Coulter Watta jerk

I was watching this show on CBC Newsworld called Face to Face which is basically just a one on one style interview show usually dealing with politics. The interviewee this time round was a woman named Ann Coulter. I don't know if any of you are familiar with her but she is a Conservitive pundit/columnist/author, and the best way I could describe her is a more attractive Rush Limbaugh. Anyway she was being interviewed by the host and she was just rude. CBC is a bit of a left leanning media group, but let's face it, even our Conservitives here in Canada are often more left of center than some of the liberals in the States. I digress, since it was the CBC it was obvious that might cause some sparks but the host was being calm and asking fairly intellegent questions based on studies and such and she would just cut him off or mock the studies ("That's just a stupid study....what study is that anyway...well what ever it's stupid....") as long as what he said didn't reflect her veipoint. Then she has the audacity to say she is fair and unbiased. Ha! She had these conspiricy theories that made no sense and then she did it. She made my blood boil SHE MOCKED CANADA. She said"What happened to you guys what happend to Canada. You used to be so cool and now you are like a bunch of old people. You used to do things....send troops to Vietnam, why not....now ....nothing but trouble from you guys." The host said "Well we have troops in Afganistan keep ing the peace (quotes the number) and in fact four of our troops were killed when an American bomb dropped on them" The whole time he is saying this she is just repeating "Nothing but trouble...must be the french influence." And when he said that about the bomb she just kinda snorted and said with her body language "whatever". Watta Jerk.
